Volunteer or Donate

Generosity in action


We would love your support! Get involved with an organization that is committed to the Pleasant Hill Community and providing our students with a great education.

We are always looking for volunteers to help us accomplish the work and goals of the Foundation.

Ways to get involved:

  • Join our Board of Directors

  • Volunteer at one of our events

  • Join one of our committees:  grants, scholarships, alumni relations, board development

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Amber McKee at amckee@phillfoundation.org.


You can also download the donation form and send it along with your donation to:

Pleasant Hill Education Foundation
P.O. Box 636
Pleasant Hill, OR  97455

PHEF now also accepts Venmo payments! Click here to donate now!

Thanks again for your support!



The Pleasant Hill Education Foundation is currently in the process of establishing an endowment fund. The purpose of the Pleasant Hill Education Foundation Endowment Fund is to provide ongoing financial support for superior educational opportunities at Pleasant Hill.

Endowment funds have a common objective: to provide support for not just one year, or even a generation, but indefinitely.

Your entire contribution to the Fund will remain intact while only the interest will be available for distribution. The Pleasant Hill Education Foundation Board would like to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to make a lasting gift to the ensure quality education at Pleasant Hill Schools into the future. Additionally, for some, this could be a very good estate planning option.

Make a difference

Make a donation and help ensure a quality education for the youth of Pleasant Hill